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REHAU’s range of windows and doors are designed to exceed the latest industry standards and offer excellent thermal performance.

Visit our dedicated site Windows & Doors for further information on energy efficiency

REHAU Windows & Doors


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If you have any queries relating to the information on the website please contact us.

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Our award-winning online tools

Whether you need a quick U Value or WER calculation; information about the latest building regulations or even guidance on CE / UKCA marking then REHAU answers is here to help.

U Value / WER & Quick check Calculator

Work out all your thermal requirements with the easy to use REHAU online calculator, which will demonstrate the energy efficiency of REHAU window and door systems.
Use the Quick Check Calculator to quickly compare results for different REHAU Systems and glass combinations.

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Competent Person Scheme & minimum technical competencies

Carry out work and self-certify in accordance
with Building Regulations.

Competence Person Scheme

CE / UKCA Marking compliance

REHAU’s Guide to CE / UKCA Marking Conformance has been designed to simplify the declaration and labelling process.
